Year 3: News items
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 11:40am
Courses available for parents from Cheshire East
Date: 7th Sep 2021 @ 8:45am
Sleep Workshop for Parents
Our free Sleep Workshops are open to parents of children aged 8-16 who live in the old Macclesfield Borough, including Wilmslow, Knutsford and Poynton. We aim to support you in understanding why your child may be struggling to sleep, possible causes of sleeping issues and importantly, what you can do to help your child and family to get better sleep. The workshop is split over 3 sessions: 1: The science of sleep 2: Practical strategies, tips and advice 3: One to one telephone parent session Please email [email protected] to request a referral form. Link address:
Timid to Tiger for Parents
Timid to Tiger is a parenting-based approach to managing anxiety in children available to parents of children aged 8-12 living in the Macclesfield, Wilmslow, Poynton and Knutsford areas. It is based on evidence that anxious children benefit substantially from a parenting style that is clear, calm and consistent. Starting Tuesday 5th October, 6-7.15pm, running weekly on each consecutive Tuesday (ending Tuesday 23rd November). Please email [email protected] for a referral form. Link address:
Mental Health Aware 1/2 Day Workshop for Parents
For parents of children aged 8-18 years and living in the Macclesfield, Wilmslow, Poynton and Knutsford areas, this free workshop is a one off 3-hour session. Led by a qualified MHFA trainer, it covers information on mental health issues, case studies and practical activities to gain confidence and awareness in supporting your child with their mental health. Upcoming dates: Saturday 18th September, 10am – 1pm Please email [email protected] for a referral form. Link address:
Triple P for Parents
For parents of children aged 12-16, Just Drop-In run Triple P in partnership with the Local Authority throughout the year. It’s run over an 8 week period, and includes 4 x group sessions, 3 x one to one phone calls, followed by a final group session. The Positive Parenting Programme is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent, as well as manage behavioural and emotional problems in children and young people. Our next free course is running on Tuesday’s 3-5pm from 14th September to 2nd November. Please email [email protected] for a referral form Link address:
Mental Health First Aid for Parents
We offer a free two-day course covering all aspects of youth mental health for parents of children aged 11-18, living in the Macclesfield, Poynton, Wilmslow and Knutsford areas. This course is accredited and certificated for anyone who successfully completes the training. More information is available from However, booking is strictly via Just Drop-In. Next dates: Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th October 9.30am5.00pm (Face to Face). Please email [email protected] to request a referral form Link address:
Letter from Cheshire East re:Preparation for the new school year
Date: 1st Sep 2021 @ 1:49pm
Date: 23rd Jul 2021 @ 4:03pm
Please see attached letter from the PTA regarding the AGM taking place at 2pm on Friday 17th September 2021. Thanks.
Cheshire Mental Health Newsletter
Date: 23rd Jul 2021 @ 2:27pm
Date: 23rd Jul 2021 @ 1:46pm
Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 2:43pm
As we are hoping to return to 'normal' in September the following pick up and drop off arrangements will return;
Rec/Y1/Y2 - Children are dropped off (08:45) and collected (15:10) in the small playground areas directly outside their classrooms. In order to maintain a one way system please enter the school premises using the main pedestrian entrance near the school office and exit via the main playground and pathway next to the Y6 corridor.
Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 - Children line up on the playground in the morning (08:45) and are taken into their classes by the teacher. Collection (15:10) on the main playground from the classroom doors. In order to maintain a one way system please enter the school premises using the main car park and exit via pathway next to the Y6 corridor.
Communication with the teacher - The teachers will be available at drop off and pick up if if you need to pass on any messages. If you would like to book an appointment for a discussion please email the office and we can arrange. Email communication is through the office email [email protected] please refer to our communication policy for more infomation
Uniform policy in preparation for September.
White polo/blouse
Navy cardigan/jumper (school logo cardigan available from our uniform supplier.)
Grey pinafore/skirt/shorts/trousers
Black shoes
Summer - Blue check dresses
Sports kit - left at school in a named drawstring bag
Vernon sports polo and navy shorts (navy leggings/joggers for winter)
Black pumps/trainers
Please ensure all items are labelled
For health and safety purposes we have a no jewelry policy. If anyone has pierced ears you may wear a small stud however these must be removed for PE.
Hair must be tied back for sport however we strongly advise hair to be tied back at all times.
No make up, nail varnish or hair dye.
Reception and KS1 require a book bag, KS2 have a rucksack and everyone needs a named water bottle each day and a lunch bag if applicable.
If you have any queries please contact the office.
Vernon Team
Date: 22nd Jul 2021 @ 5:01pm
Please read this letter for further information about our Reading Hub Competition.
Date: 20th Jul 2021 @ 12:20pm
After the huge success of Sports week we are excited to announce a new partnership with '8by8 Football' offering football coaching sessions after school. We also have our fabulous 'Sports Coaches North West' working with classes and running after school clubs and CC Gymnastics running sessions before school. See timetable below;
Monday - Y1/Y2 Lacrosse - Sports Coaching North West
Tuesday - Y1/Y2/Y3 - 8By8 Football
KS2 - Lacrosse - Sport Coaching North West
Wednesday - Y1/Y2 CC Gymnastics (before school 08:15-08:45)
Y4/Y4/Y5 - 8By8 Football
KS2 - Dodgeball - Sports Coaching North West
Booking details;
Date: 14th Jul 2021 @ 12:20pm
I am writing to let you know about some changes and developments to our school curriculum from September. Over the last few months, Mrs McNeil (Assistant Headteacher) has been working closely with subject leaders across the school to further enhance and strengthen our wonderful bespoke curriculum at Vernon. Our themes will continue as a basis for each term in every year group, as they are extremely popular and enable children to become immersed in their learning throughout the term. We have spent time scrutinising our curriculum in every subject area, altering where necessary and adding learning opportunities or revising the structure to further enrich the children's experiences throughout their educational journey. We are all extremely proud of the rich, ambitious and vibrant curriculum on offer at our school. For more information, please read our revised curriculum statement here: This webpage also includes our enhanced curriculum maps for each year group. You can find more detailed information about each subject within the dedicated webpages as always (these can be found on the dropdown menu under curriculum). We hope that the children at Vernon will continue to relish every learning opportunity on offer throughout each academic year!
Mrs J Carvell
Date: 15th Jul 2021 @ 2:16pm
Please read the attached letter from Mrs Carvell
Isolation advice - Info from Cheshire East
Date: 7th Jul 2021 @ 8:31am
Date: 5th Jul 2021 @ 11:07am
Cheshire East Libraries Summer Reading Challenge
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 3:32pm
Please read this letter from Mrs McNeil for more information.
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 11:11am
Date: 1st Jul 2021 @ 3:30pm
Year Three have had a wonderful day packed full of a variety of sports in the sunshine. The day began with our sports day races themed around our space topic. Race included an astronaut walk and a spaceship shuttle run. They then took part in a Capoeira session. This is a form of Brazilian martial arts. The children enjoyed the experience and were impressed by the skills of the instructor. In the afternoon, Mrs Watson led a lacrosse lesson where they learned new skills. There are photos in the Year 3 Sports week gallery.
Date: 29th Jun 2021 @ 12:34pm
Today we started the day with a dance session. The children learned the pat-a-cake polka. They listened brilliantly and picked up the moves quickly. They danced beautifully and were keen to do it several times. By the end, they were all exhausted! There are some photos in our Year Three sports week gallery.
Sports Week commencing Monday 28th June
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 12:43pm
Please read our Sports Week letter for more information about next week at Vernon Primary.
Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 4:12pm
Normally at this time of year we’d be holding a Summer Fair and raffle. Sadly, due to Covid-19 restrictions the fair cannot go ahead and we’ve moved the raffle online.
For £3 a ticket you are entered into 12 draws, with 12 chances to win £5000. This is a raffle with other PTAs, not just our school, which is why the prize amount is much higher than normal.
At the moment we’re raising funds to continue enhancing the outdoor spaces and play equipment for the children. Any support is greatly appreciated.
To find out more, and buy your tickets, please go to or search for Big PTA Raffle, select to buy tickets and search for Vernon Primary.
Thanks and good luck!
PTA Krispy Kreme Doughnut Pop Up Shop - Friday 25th June 2021
Date: 22nd Jun 2021 @ 10:37am
Please click below for more information.
Mrs Carvell's Letter Classes & Staffing
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 3:25pm
Please read todays letter from Mrs Carvell for information regarding September 2021
Be Seen in Green... or Blue Day - Virtual Visit by Max and Harvey!
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 1:35pm
All the children and staff look fabulous in their green and blue outfits and the kitchen even made us some blue and green cake to help us celebrate!
We were so lucky to be chosen as the school to receive the virtual visit from The Royal Manchester Childrens' Hospital Charity patrons Max and Harvey. The children were treated to a live performance of their songs plus a question and answer session to the fabulous duo. Mrs Currall will be collecting with her bucket in the playground again at the end of school and will share the total raised next week. A huge thank you to everyone who has donated to this fantastic charity.
Date: 16th Jun 2021 @ 3:03pm
14/06/21 - Cheshire East identified as Covid-19 Enhanced Resource Area
Please click on the link above to view the Cheshire East media release re Covid-19