Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Watson
Mrs Kitchen
Please log on to 'Google Classroom' for ongoing updates about class activities and homework.
Please find here a link to our local Secondary School, Poynton High:
Our Spring theme is 'Maya Civilisation'
We are excited to welcome you back into school and start our new theme.
During our English sessions, we will be writing Fiction: to include adventure/historical stories based upon Charles Darwin’s expeditions. In our Non-fiction work we will be writing: Letters and Recounts. We will be reading - The Rain Player, The Hero Twins, Charles Darwin and the Beagle Adventure and The Explorer in support of our writing.
Guided Reading
Whole class Guided Reading this term will focus on the adventure novel by Katherine Rundell.
'Like a man-made magic wish the airplane began to rise.The boy sitting in the cockpit gripped his seat and held his breath as the plane roared and climbed into the arms of the sky. From his seat in the tiny aeroplane, Fred watches as the mysteries of the Amazon jungle pass by below him.'
Within Maths, we will be exploring a range of Number topics including decimals, percentages, algebra and ratio. We will also be looking at Measurement to include time, converting units, perimeter, area, and volume. On a weekly basis we will continue to complete an arithmetic test and will develop our understanding of reasoning style questions.
Our science work will focus around the units of 'Evolution and Inheritance' and. ‘Living things and their habitats’ The sessions will compliment our theme work.
Foundation subjects
Our weekly PE sessions will see us mastering the skills involved in Netball and Orienteering. Whilst our indoor sessions will be focused on Gymnastics and Yoga.
Within History, we will be exploring the 'The Maya Civilization' and developing our key skills in the analysis of cultural & religious changes, critical analysis of sources, and comparing/contrasting with British History.
Our Geography units will involve us looking at where energy comes from. Looking at where energy comes from; natural resources, time zones, the comparison between the UK and the United States, renewable energy and its impact. Alongside fieldwork in our school grounds looking at the placement of solar panels.
During our Computing sessions, we will learn about how to create media (webpage creation using Google Sites) and sharing of data and information through spreadsheets (using Google Sheets). We will also focus on keeping safe using the internet during Safer Internet Day.
Our Project Evolve focus for Spring 1 will be Online Reputation and for Spring 2 will be looking at Online Bullying.
Our Art session will involve the investigation of art from the Maya time period with a particular focus on Leonid Afremov’s work. We will use the qualities of acrylic paints to create abstract art focusing on the fundamental elements of art.
Within DT, we will investigating materials and sculptures and creating Maya inspired sculptures. We will be looking at the work of Julia Taymor.
Language sessions this term will cover ‘Manger et Bouger’ – exploring healthy lifestyles linked to food and physical activity and ‘Moi Dans la Monde’ Cultural Focus (French speaking countries): Senegal, Canada and Haiti.
In our Music lessons this term, we will be understanding sounds and scores to compose film Music and using advanced rhythms.
Within RE we will be focusing on Personal Belief: How does personal belief affect the way life is lived? We will be looking at ‘What difference does resurrection make for Christians?’
Our whole class PSHE will cover the theme Living in the Wider World: giving the children a comfortable and open platform to explore ‘Belonging to a community’, ‘Media, literacy and digital resilience’ and the importance of ‘Money and Work’.
Your homework will be uploaded onto Google Classroom every Monday to be submitted by the following Friday.
The homework will include a piece of English and Maths on LBQ and at times, it may also be a topic based project. We ask that you continue to read at home. Reading both aloud to a grown up and silently to yourself are both important skills to continue practising throughout this year.
We would also like the children to work through a weekly homework checklist which includes: one Spelling Frame test and their additional LBQ tasks.