Pupil Voice
At Vernon Primary School, we value all our children's opinions and viewpoints. As well as our established groups, such as the School Council, Safeguarding and wellbeing team and Eco Committee, our Governors also regularly come into school and meet with groups of children from all age ranges to discuss current topics. These Governors liaise with school prior to their visit to create a list of relevant questions about a specific area. Following the pupil voice session, the Governors feed back the children's repsonses to the school's Senior Leadership Team. The SLT work alongside teachers and subject leaders to respond to the children's feedback, celebrate successes and work with children to develop areas across the school. This is an important process involving the children, empowering them and giving them a voice about key issues and topics in school. The Governors thoroughly enjoy these pupil voice sessions and are always keen to hear the children's views and opinions.
Here are some of the comments our children across the school have made in relation to the Curriculum, Values and Behaviour in our most recent Pupil Voice sessions with Governors:
School Values and Motto:
"Everyone is unique and no one has the same character...we are all different and special" (KS1 pupil)
"Respect and Cooperation mean working together and being kind" (KS1 pupil)
"Curiosity means asking questions and finding things out for yourself" (KS2 pupil)
"The Vernon values are all about what you want to be when you leave school" (KS2 pupil)
Feeling valued at Vernon
"Safe, Read, Respectful are our school rules" (KS1 pupil)
"When we do well at something, we might get a star award or Dojos or a Headteacher's award" (KS1 pupil)
"We feel values because the teachers let us speak and we are treated fairly" (KS2 pupil)
"If we have fallen out with someone, our teacher helps us sort it out" (KS1 pupil)
"If we are struggling with our work, our teacher helps us" (KS2 pupil)
"It is important for us to learn a language in case you visit a different country or get a job abroad" (KS1 pupil)
"Languages help you for travelling and to understand how other cultures live" (KS2 pupil)
"We learn how to speak a native language" (KS2 pupil)
"There are a variety of ways we learn French..I love singing French songs!" (KS2 pupil)
"I like all the signs around school in English and French" (KS2 pupil)
Physical Education
"It is important to do PE to get exercise, be healthy and to be fit and strong...it keeps your body and mind healthy" (KS1 pupil)
"I learn dodgeball, tennis, running and dancing in PE" (KS1 pupil)
"I also love doing extra PE out of school, like football and hockey" (KS1 pupil)
"PE stands for Physical Education...it helps you get stronger and learn how to play different sports" (KS2 pupil)
"PE can help you make more friends and learn how to commubnicate with others" (KS2 pupil)
"I love music because it makes you feel good and you can tell your mood without speaking" (KS1 pupil)
"Learning about music is important because it makes you happy and you can learn an instrument in the future" (KS1 pupil)
"We learn about a different genre of music each week, like rock, musicals, boy bands and country" (Lower KS2 pupil)
"Music gives you the freedom to do something different" (Upper KS2 pupil)
Favourite subjects:
"My favourite subject is Art because we make shapes and use colour" (KS1 pupil)
"My favourite subject is Phonics becasue we have new words to learn" (KS1 pupil)
"My favourite subject is English beause I love writing and telling stories" (Lower KS2 pupil)
" My favourite subject is History because I enjoy finding out about different wars" (Upper KS2 pupil)
Study books:
"Our study books are for our important, good work and we keep them" (KS1 pupil)
"I show my family my study book" (Lower KS2 pupil)
"We put QR codes in our study books to show our learning when it's recorded" (Lower KS2 pupil)
"Study books showcase our work and sum up what you have learnt" (Upper KS2 pupil)
"In History last year we learnt about the Great Fire of London. It was bad because it burnt a city but good becayse it got rid of the plague...a Bakery started the fire!" (KS1 pupil)
"In History in Key Stage One, I learnt about how the Titanic was not prepared for it to sink and about Nelson Mandela" (Lower KS2 pupil)
"In History in Key Stage One, I remember about the Great Fire of London" (Upper KS2 pupil)
"My teachers helps me know and remember information by.... changing her voice and asking me questions, using actions and using examples" (KS1 pupils)
"My teachers help me know and remember information by...repeating it so it gets stuck in our heads, giving examples, doing our times tables before lunch and going over features of writing" (Lower KS2 pupils)
"My teachers help me know and remember information by...using recaps and offering help after an instruction" (Upper KS2 pupils)
Ways to learn:
"Creative work helps me learn the best" (KS1 pupil)
"Individual work helps me learn the best because I can do it myself" (Lower KS2 pupil)
"Drama helps me learn as you can act things out to remember them" (Lower KS2 pupil)
"Group work helps me learn the best as you can mix ideas and help everyone" (Upper KS2 pupils)
"Teachers help me learn new words by putting them on display like our spider web of words" (KS1 pupil)
"Teachers help me learn new words by helping me edit my work and finding a better word using a thesaurus" (Lower KS2 pupil)
"Teachers help me learn new vocabulary by explaining the word, bringing the word up a lot and we note down new vocabulary" (Upper KS2 pupils)