Extension & Enrichment Activities
Homework will be issued weekly on a Friday. It will alternate between English & Maths. It will be be found on the class google classroom page and it can be submitted there too, or printed out, completed and handed in to the class teacher. Please let us know if you are struggling to print out as we can always provide paper copies to children if needed.

Please continue to hear your child read at home, even if they are now reading independently. We would be very grateful if you could record and comment when you read together in their reading record, so that we can keep track of this at school. In Year 3 we are particularly focusing on the use of intonation and expression, as well as taking note of punctuation. It is also important to focus on the children's understanding of the text when reading.
You may find these reading prompts useful when sharing a book with your child.
> Who are the main characters?
> Can you tell me why ....?
> Describe what happened at/when...
> Predict what you think will happen next.
> What does the (word/phrase) mean?

Times Tables Rock Stars is an online educational tool designed to help improve your child’s pace and mental recall of times table facts to support their learning of maths in the classroom. Each week, as a year group, we will concentrate on a different times table within school, and then your child, if they choose to, can consolidate their learning through the Times Table Rock Stars website. Your child has been issued with a unique login and we have shown the children, in school, how to access the site and complete the activities. They should also record any times tables practice in their blue Times Tables books that they bring home.
You may find the following links useful to help your child to practice their times tables skills:

This term we will be focusing on the Plants!
We will learn to identify parts of a plant and their functions and look at the process involved in the life cycle of a flower.
Follow the links below for some fun games that will help to consolidate our learning within these topics:
Reading List for Lower KS2
Please see the attached Lower KS2 reading lists for some ideas of books your child may wish to read.
Also attached are some options for reading challenges should your child wish to complete throughout the course of the year.